Thursday, August 10, 2006

Handfuls On Purpose

We've been studying the book of Ruth in Bible Study Wednesday nights. It has been so exciting to be getting into the Word with other ladies, encouraging others and being encouraged. Leslie brought out an unusual commentary on the Bible called "Handfuls On Purpose" and read the following:

Boaz commanded the young men, saying, "Let her glean even among the sheaves, and let fall also handfuls on purpose for her." What words of grace are these. Gleaning among the sheaves is the privilege of those who have found favour in the sight of the Master; and what rich sheaves of promise we have in the field of His Word! But only believers have the liberty to glean here (Eph. 2:12), and according to your faith be it unto you. Those also who have found grace in His sight find many an unexpected handful that has been dropped on purpose for them. And notice, these handfuls did not fall by chance, they were each a gift of his grace. So our blessed Master does not leave His servants to the caprice of blind chance, or to pick up what joy and comfort they may; but many a rich handful He drops on purpose to comfort and cheer them in their work. Gleaning among the greedy and the selfish is most arduous, miserable work, and such is the worldling, seeking satisfaction in other fields. But how different is the field where grace reigns! There the handfuls are dropped on purpose. If you go to glean on other fields be sure the handfuls will cease. Jesus says, "Follow Me."

Need I say more? I am so enthralled to recognize the times that the Lord has spoken to me so clearly through the scriptures as times when He has dropped "Handfuls On Purpose".

Monday, August 7, 2006

A Gentle Answer

Let the words fall gently
Compelling though it be
To stir them up
They rise again
A weapon fit to flee

But when you let them lie there
Like a softly fallen snow
The heart is cool
There is no fool
And you are free to go

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1

Note: I wrote this for David, because God does not want us to be puppets :-).